Thursday, August 13, 2020

I'm tired.


They Still Do!

I’m tired.

I’m tired of hearing people that I care about, people that are of reasonable intelligence, talking about how great our current President is and what a great job he’s done during the Pandemic and that, as Americans, we should all rally around him.

Yes, Dr. Fauci, we know.

(He hasn’t even done an adequate job. Seriously. He refuses to listen to experts in their fields unless they spend time sucking up to him. He’s rejected science at every opportunity. His lack of clear leadership is stunning. Think about it. If he’d simply said, “We all need to wear masks and social distance and wash our hands, everyone!” Damn near, all his followers would have done so and we’d have half the deaths reported and a good bit of the economy would be back up and running. Of course, if he showed leadership some of those same followers would rebel, I suppose.)

I’m tired of hearing people who are evidently not of reasonable intelligence, pontificate about how we should “reopen our country and get back to business” and the sooner we do that the sooner we can get back to normal. 

(These people seem to think that “normal” isn’t currently happening because we’ve chosen to react to this “alleged pandemic” and we should get over it. Moreover, they seem to believe that everything will just go back to the way it was pre-pandemic. This is just willful ignorance! The pandemic is still in effect and it’s killing about 1,000 people a day. And we’re doing precious little to stop it!

So many businesses will remain closed permanently and all their employees will be out of work for a very long time. Having learned that their employees work well from home some large businesses will reduce the size of or eliminate their current offices. There could be millions of square feet of empty, wasted retail and office space in the next year. That drags down the economy for a long time and is likely to cause a recession that is far bigger than the last one and potentially larger than the Great Depression. Some point to the Stock Market and how well it’s doing as an indicator of good things. Sorry, that’s not the economy. Not when consumer spending makes up 70% of the economy! Many consumer providers have been struggling to hit acceptable numbers which is likely to continue until we have an effective vaccine. The US is in a tenuous place right now, readers, and many of the citizens don’t realize that.)

I’m tired of hearing people say that those numbers (the people that have tested positive to the virus along with those who’ve actually died from it) are incorrect and are a figment of the imagination of the Mainstream Media who, everyone knows, are Fake News and just want the liberals to take over the country because they “hate America” and want us to become a Communist country. Or Socialist, or Marxist, or Antifa, or… get the idea.

(When did science and factual evidence become a “political position?” I am absolutely gobsmacked by the abject stupidity of Americans. Some person on my FB page a few weeks ago, told me that something I had posted, how Colin Kaepernick came to decide to kneel during the Anthem, was BS and simply a made-up story because if it had been real, the Mainstream Media would have “been all over it.” I googled the incident I was talking about, produced the story from the LA Times; about as mainstream as one can get. He read it and decided that since he hadn’t seen it and didn’t believe that it was a former Green Beret that had given Kaepernick the idea, it was still BS! We choose to not believe the truth because it’s not OUR truth, apparently.)

Finally, I’m tired of patiently talking to these people, asking clarifying questions, empathizing with their positions, and providing a different point of view with accompanying facts to back up my position. Because they think that they aren’t facts, just “more liberal bullshit.”

But yesterday, I got a jolt of energy when the VP candidate was announced by Joe Biden’s campaign as Senator Kamala Harris! She’s smart, she’s tenacious, and she’s qualified for the job.

Now, I have hope. I believe there’s a chance that the country can be taken back from the scourge of fascism that has been in power for the last 3 years. While the polls show that they’re leading, we all need to believe that we’re way behind. We can’t rest, I can’t rest, even though I’m tired.

It’s time!